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  • Writer's pictureNeiriz de la Cruz

Freelancers: “Solutions Provider”

Freelancers: “Solutions Provider”

“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”. - Lero Eldridge Cleaver.

There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.

Traffic in the Philippines

One of the biggest problems in the cities of the Philippines is traffic. This has led to problems in the workers’ efficiency and health because of the pollution and stress from the road.

Why does traffic keep getting worse, and what can we do to solve it once and for all?

There are too many vehicles on our roads – especially private cars – yet the incentives to reduce their purchase and use are absent.

The need to work

What breeds all this traffic? The answer is this: the need to work.

Everyone needs to work but not everyone can get jobs near their homes. As proof of how bad the situation is, traffic has gotten worse not just in Metro Manila but also in key provincial cities.

Though the government is doing there part, however the timeline will be long. Trains are the most important mass transit vehicles, and the Duterte administration is indeed aiming to build new, ambitious train projects (like Metro Manila’s first subway and Mindanao’s first railway). Though exciting, it will take a long time before these train projects come into fruition.

Working at home

If you want to be part of the solution: work from home – Be a freelancer.

Senate of the Philippines has passed a bill to encourage companies to adopt “work from home” policies to address Manila’s notorious traffic jams.

If the Philippine law is successfully implemented, it would not only reduce traffic congestion; it could also enhance employee productivity and reduce air pollution and carbon emissions.

Working from home— will remove a significant number of commuters from the roads during the busiest parts of the day. Home based jobs or freelancers will help reduce peak hour traffic. This will also help free up road space on the most congested routes, as well as relieve the stress on public transport.

Even before the government passed a bill, home based jobs and freelancers are already existing. There are established Virtual Assistants who been doing this and willing to be part of the solution not just to the country but also for your the clients and business needs.

If you want a Virtual Assistant or a Freelancer who is a Solution Provider feel free to shoot me a message!

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